Organizational Trainings
For more personalized trainings that facilitate maximum growth, bring Dr. R in to train your workplace teams, education faculty/staff, or non-profit/faith-based organizations. Contact our team at [email protected] to start the discussion!

Workplace Trainings
Ā Poor people-handlingĀ in the workplace leads to low morale, poor retention, and ultimately diminishedĀ productivity andĀ profits. Give your business a boost by improving how your management communicates with teams, how teams interact with each other, and how employees relate to the public. Oh, and improve your company's industry reputation while you are at it!

Educator Trainings
Personality conflicts in educational settings lead to increased referrals, keep teachers from teaching, students from learning, and ultimately affect a school system's reputation and sometimes even funding. Help your educators interact with administration and students more effectively to get better results!

Non-Profit and Faith-Based Organizational Trainings
Faith-based and non-profit organizations are not immune from problem people. In fact, their leaders are actually MORE prone to have difficulty dealing with them effectively. When unchecked, these people become obstacles to your church or organization fulfilling it's purpose, having it's desired influence, and ultimately accomplishing it's mission.